Edition November 29, 30 and December 1, 2007

Permanent spaces

Each edition of the project NOW explores several of its thematic areas, in a coexistence that highlights their interrelation.

  • Queries & Downloads

    Queries & Downloads is a space of dialogue between the groups, collectives and institutions linked to the CCCB.

    NOW in process

    Seven screens featuring the seven main NOW themes. An audiovisual installation reviewing the different forms taken by this project, featuring exclusive interviews with artists, scientists, intellectuals and activists. An overall summary of the crises and challenges that define planetary culture in the 21st century.

    With interventions by Rebecca Allen, Roy Ascott, Noam Chomsky, John Gray, Alexander Hacke, Stephan Harding, Natalie Jeremijenko, Steven Johnson, Naomi Klein, Frederic Lenoir, Gilles Lipovetsky, John Maeda, Michael Moore, Jesús Mosterín, David Peat, Artur Serra, Vandana Shiva, Joost Smiers, Paul Toyne, Alfonso Valencia, Gianni Vattimo and Victoria Vesna.

    Radio Art - Orquestra del Caos

    Radio Art is an interactive exhibition of radio art and sounds from the electromagnetic spectrum.

    It contains the following collections:

    1. Radio Astronomy: a selection of works presented at the Acoustic Space Lab symposium, which took place in August 2001 in Irbene, in the forests of Western Lapland, at the foot of a 32-meter diameter radio astronomy dish, built and operated during Soviet times.

    2. Radio Art: a selection of electro-acoustic works selected by Ferran Cuadras for radio broadcasting on the FM waveband.

    3. SoundRadioDoc: online documentation on radio art.


  • The Electromagnetic Spectrum

    NOW converts the electromagnetic spectrum into a great metaphor (or semantic matrix) that acts as a condenser of contents and facilitates the communication and reception of the project.

    Atlas of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
  • Biblio-Points

    A selection of the bibliography available on issues activated on the NOW platform.

    Selected bibliography
  • Container of Paradigms (CoP)

    What experiences, beliefs and values affect your way of perceiving reality and how do you respond to that perception?
