
SOY CÁMARA. The CCCB’s Programme (3)

Ciudad (City)

Saturday 30 October 7.30 p.m. on La 2 (TVE) , looking at the project of cities and their inhabitants. The programme is a visual dialogue based on the city of the past, the robotic view of Google maps and the virtual reality of video games: three different ways of experiencing the city.

“Soc càmera” (I’m a Camera) can be viewed permanently on the websites of Canal Cultura de TVE and the CCCB.

Episode three looks at the project of cities and their inhabitants. It is an urban portrait that speaks of the neighbourhood heroes, myths and outsiders that build spatial syntax by addressing the conflicts that emerge in public space. The programme constructs a visual dialogue using the city of the past, the robot view of Google Maps and the virtual reality of video games, all combined with credits that are woven throughout the discourse and the pacey musical counterpoint of a weekly news bulletin.

This episode, the work of Andrés Hispano and Félix Pérez-Hita, is run through by the testimonies of some of the Centre’s most famous guests (Marc Augé, Ignasi de Solà-Morales and Francisco Jarauta). By way of an epilogue, it includes two documentary strategies made in Barcelona to have been screened in Xcèntric sessions at the CCCB: “El Sastre” by Óscar Pérez and “A través del Carmel” by Claudio Zulián. The programme continues the pedagogical, responsible, critical, humorous line of the first two documentary essays.