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Touring activities

Shared cities

Mercado do Forno do Tijolo (Lisbon)

“Shared Cities” exhibit in Lisbon

11 September 2015 to 5 October 2015 | Forno do Tijolo Market (Lisbon)
The exhibition of the 2014 award of the European Prize for Urban Public Space is to be shown in Portugal, in Lisbon. The presentation of the exhibition will take place as part of the “Projecte Flaneur” (Flâneur Project) for art in public space through contemporary photography and urban art.
The “Shared Cities” exhibition continues its itinerary through cities around the world. Just before summer this year it was shown in Miami while, in August, it went to the Royal Academy of Arts in London and then to Prague, where it will be open until the end of September. Now it is to be exhibited in Lisbon, from 11 September until 5 October.

The “Shared Cities” exhibition in Lisbon is organised by Procur.Arte, a cultural association founded in 2005 which works to develop and publicise the creative industry through engaging in criticism and constructive projects in the fields of the arts, culture, creativity and innovation. As in other showings elsewhere, the exhibition presents outstanding works from the 2014 award of the prize, giving explanations about the improvements brought about by the projects in their different settings, and also offering audiovisual material in which members of the jury give their opinions about these works. 
The exhibition will be on show at Forno do Tijolo Market, at Anjos neighborhood. The space lost its original, commercial purpose and now begins a new chapter in its life. Although it is not completely defined, it seems that it will become versatile, cultural facility.

In addition to “Shared Cities”, other activities have been organised, linked with the local milieu. The exhibition is included in the “Flâneur Project” for art in public spaces, which is based on contemporary photography, urban territory and international networking. It takes its name from Baudelaire’s portrait of the flâneur in public spaces of the modern metropolis. The core idea of the project is to reflect on the urban dynamics of European society today in relation with the avant-garde movements which made their appearance at the end of the twentieth century. Other activities include artists’ residences, creative camps, publications and conferences.

The exhibition was opened on 11 September in the Forno do Tijolo market, in Arrois, Lisbon. Caterina Vaz Pinto, Lisbon's Culture Councilwoman, assited at the event. The organisers have created a Facebook event, offering a range of information about all the activities and a complete programme.
For further information:

Mercado do Forno do Tijolo 
Lisbon, Portugal
Watch here the link of the Openning video.

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