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The Barcelona Debate

The World We Need

The Barcelona Debate 2018

In this year’s Barcelona Debate, four eminent thinkers will discuss how to think about and inhabit the future world. From their different traditions of critical thought Vandana Shiva, George Monbiot, McKenzie Wark, and Donna Haraway contemplate what kind of world we need.

The world in which we presently live is coming to an end. Years ago, science demonstrated that present rates of exploitation of natural resources and energy consumption can only bring about an irreversible climate change crisis with unforeseeable consequences. Yet, at the same time, taking measures to avoid getting into this situation also means making drastic changes in basic aspects of present-day civilisation.

If the world as we know it is about to end, it is also time to start thinking about the kind of world we will need in future, a future in which human survival is inextricably bound with the survival of the planet. This is also an opportunity to rethink the ways in which humans relate with other living species, and even how we might also go back to dreaming about a wild nature which humans would not try to domesticate. If we are to think about the world we need we must inevitably question our status as a species and discard anything that has made us believe that the planet was for us and us alone. This would also open the door to learning from the present crisis as we try to construct a future.

This year’s Barcelona Debate is organised to coincide with the CCCB exhibition “After the End of the World”. Free access to the exhibition with the encounter ticket.

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