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Stage Laboratory

Stage Laboratory 2022

The CCCB launches Stage Laboratory: a programme to encourage creation and a meeting place for creators from different disciplines and trajectories. This autumn, three resident companies that combine artistic experimentation and humanistic reflection invite us to rethink three essential questions: what it means to be human, the relationship between landscape and capital, and the nature today of ties and affections.

Stage Laboratory aims to accompany and promote projects that are in the process of creation and that are markedly essayistic and experimental. To this end, it offers three young companies a one-week residency that will culminate in a performance to share with the public an open creation process.

As part of their research process, the companies will meet other creators who have developed similar projects to theirs and who are references for them. In each open public session, these creators will intervene with a small-scale production that gives rise to resonances and connections between different proposals, generations and languages.

The cycle, curated by the theatrical programmer Isaac Vila, wants to be a laboratory where proposals have a space for trial-error and an interdisciplinary meeting point that causes the transmission of knowledge and the contrast between forms and scenic contents.

This activity is part of Stage Laboratory

Previous activities

Las Huecas + Marta Echaves


Mos Maiorum + Joan Garriga


Ester Guntín + Marcel·lí Antúnez
