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NOW. April 2008

Meetings in the Present Continuous

Jordi Isern. Jordi José. Lawrence Krauss. Paul Nicholson. Miquel Ortega. Raj Patel. Platoniq. Richard Stallman. Jordi Torra.

The fifth edition of NOW explores three big paradoxes of the present that have generated new forms of research and activism. At a time when scientific advances allow for unforeseen knowledge of the universe, light pollution keeps us from seeing the stars. For the first time, the number of overweight inhabitants worldwide is larger than the number that goes hungry, creating irrational systems of food overproduction. At a time when new information technologies have begun to come within the reach of a wider range of people, the control of its operating systems remains in the hands of just a few.

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Richard Stallman

Free Software. The Time for Human Rights

While computers have become an essential part of our lives, new questions are being raised over who controls what our computers do and what are we allowed to do with them. These are political issues of the first order that have been resolved for the moment to satisfy the interests of large ...

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NOW. In process

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Previous activities

Free Software

The Time for Human Rights

Good Copy, Bad Copy

2007, 60’, VOSE. Spanish Prèmiere

Ecodesign Workshop

Stuffed and Starved

The Battle for the World Food System

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The Future of Food

2005, 88’, VE. Spanish prèmiere

Reclaiming the City

Street Art, Graphic Dissidence and Counter Advertising

In praise of darkness

The Role of the Night in the Development of Humanity

Parallel Universes

2002, 45’, VOSE

Atlas of the Radio-Electric Spectrum

A project by José Luis de Vicente, Irma Vilà and Bestiario

BCC - Bank of Common Knowledge (BCC)

A project by Platoniq

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