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Cultural Innovation International Prize


Third edition 2018-2019

What can we do, in the field of culture, to ensure a freer, more open and egalitarian Internet? The third edition of the International Cultural Innovation Prize will be recognising innovative projects about the present and the future of the Internet that help to empower citizens and improve the Net. The winning proposal will form part of the 2019-2020 programme of the CCCB. 

The theme of the third edition of the Prize (2018-2019) is Internet.

This year, 2019, is the fiftieth anniversary of the launch of the ARPANET computer network, considered the precursor of the Internet, and the thirtieth of the creation of the WWW (World Wide Web), one of the most widespread Internet services. This double anniversary inspires the third call for entries of the Prize, coinciding with a time when dilemmas about the uses, repercussions and potential of the Internet are sparking debates about fundamental aspects such as the effects on people’s rights of Internet regulations, the concentration of power in the hands of a few corporations and the socioeconomic consequences of certain technological decisions. Today, around the world, numerous initiatives are calling for a freer, more open and egalitarian Internet.

This edition sets out to incentivise dialogue, reflection and creativity related to the Internet, promoting innovative projects about the present and the future of the Internet that propose actions in areas such as accessibility and representation, security and privacy, technopolitics and social transformation, ecological impact, ethics and digital literacy, or any other key topic that contributes to citizen empowerment and an improved network.


Decision of the Jury

The Jury has unanimously decided to award the III Cultural Innovation International Prize to the project World Wi(l)de Web, by David Monreal Becerra. In addition, the members of the Jury have unanimously decided to give a special mention to the project, by Annabel Church and Mark Juan Boas.


World Wi(l)de Web, awarded project

World Wi(l)de Web is an online videogame that offers an alternative narrative and embodies the ideas of openness, accessibility, interaction and participation of the original Internet. The project is open to co-creation and places digital culture and its issues in the gaming sphere, bringing closer the gamer community to the social and political implications of technology.

The videogame is not only democratic and easily distributable, but it also fosters critical thinking among the next generation. In a playful way, it confronts the user with the inherent contradictions of the human being condition as well as the ideas of freedom of thought, freedom of speech and the consequences of our actions. The game places digital culture outside the institution, brings discussion about on-line privacy and security to a global scale and is also potentially replicable and adaptable anywhere in the world., jury’s special mention is an audio and video edition technology that puts timed transcripts centre stage and makes remixing media intuitive and fun. Is an adaptable and educational tool that promotes media literacy and follows the main principles and vision of the original World Wide Web. Moreover, it has been thought to be developed in places with lower band and makes content more accessible to those with hearing or learning difficulties. It works in commons, puts into practice the idea of re-making content with freedom in the classroom, and allows kids to train skills such as critical thinking, helping them to reflect on what they can see online.


Minutes of the jury (PDF)


The winning project will be carried out in the framework of the 2019-2020 programme of the CCCB.

An international jury has evaluated the finalist projects:



See the list of finalists of the III Cultural Innovation International Prize (PDF)

Final list of admitted and excluded projects (PDF)

Provisional list of admitted and excluded projects (PDF)

Rules 2018-2019  (PDF)

This activity is part of Cultural Innovation International Prize

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