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Internet Universe

How does the network affect in our lives

Internet Universe is a project whose main objective is to offer critical and creative reflection on the set of technologies linked to the Internet, which is causing a transformation that is unprecedented in human history.

The programme has a dual aim: to progressively construct a global view of the Internet and its effects, and to give tools to educators so that this knowledge can be transferred to the classroom. As a result of training workshops for teaching staff we present an educational briefcase the objective of which is to transfer these reflections to the secondary school and sixth form classrooms.

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Learning and teaching with digital technologies

Júlia Coromina

When integrating ITCs into the classroom it is important to evaluate to what degree it enriches the relationship established between students, tasks and contents, and teacher.

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David Casacuberta

Internet Universe: "Algorithmic injustice"

Big data and artificial intelligence allow us to automate decision-making about questions that humans have always made so far. The problem of using algorithms based on automatic learning is that if these systems draw on databases that contain our society’s racist, xenophobic and sexist ...

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Previous activities

I accept the Conditions: Uses and abuses of digital technologies

Talk by Cristóbal Cobo

Internet Universe: the power of algorithms

Teacher training conference

Internet Universe. Pedagogical resources

Teacher training workshop

Privacy Dilemmas and the Future of the Internet

Presentation of two new units of the educational briefcase

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INTERNET UNIVERSE. Discovering the Educational Briefcase

Teacher training workshop

Internet Universe #4. Planet

Internet Universe #3. City

Internet Universe #2. Person

Internet Universe #1. Introduction

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