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Gandules'14 - Gas Natural Fenosa

Away from Home

The programme of Gandules’14 – Gas Natural Fenosa is dedicated to contemporary cinema that deals with immigrants today and recounts the difficult and unexpected paths they have to take to reach their destination, where they hope or dream that they will find what their country of origin couldn’t give them. These films recount journeys into the unknown, sometimes full of hardship and disappointments, the difficulties of finding a house or a job in an unknown environment, the experience of learning to fit in with cultural and social differences or living far away from family and friends.

With the title Away from Home, a total of ten works will be screened al fresco in the CCCB’s courtyard in the month of August. The programme proposes a comprehensive, heterogeneous interpretation of immigration, with films that traverse all the continents in every direction and show these enforced journeys from departure to settlement and, in some cases, the return home. All sessions will be accompanied by one of the nine winners of the short films competition organized in the framework of CCCB’s 20 Years / 20 Actions. In addition, during August you will also find in Filmin’s website a great selection of films based on the topic Away from Home.

From 5 to 21 August, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10 pm in the Pati de les Dones. Free admission. Limited capacity. In case of rain, the session will be moved to the CCCB's Hall.

This activity is part of Gandules

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Away from Home

Tariq Porter

When we speak of migration, we are inevitably speaking of ourselves. There is no country, region or city to which the concept is foreign. Migration is an intrinsic phenomenon to human beings and, therefore, to their identity. In this sense, there are few means as capable as the cinema of describing ...

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Anna Pacheco

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Gandules'14 - Gas Natural Fenosa

Short film competition

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