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After the End of the World

Climate Change: Let’s Act Now; There’s Still Time

Environmental Dialogues 2017

Coinciding with the exhibition “After the End of the World”, organised by the Col·legi d'Ambientòlegs (Association of Environmental Scientists) with the collaboration of the Ateneu Barcelonès and the CCCB, we are presenting the series of “Environmental Dialogues 2017: Climate Change: Let’s Act Now, There’s Still Time” with the aim of advancing in the reflection upon and practical action in several key questions that must be tackled within this new scenario.

Nowadays evidence of climate change’s existence is no longer questioned. The challenges presenting themselves to us are new ones: adapting to effects that are now becoming evident in our own territory and across the world, raising society’s awareness of this adaptation, and acting with sufficient speed to ensure that the effects of the change globally do not become even more devastating.

Putting the focus on the positive, in the understanding that if as a society we can advance courageously, we still have time to mitigate and manage to coexist with the consequences of climate change, during this month of November:

Programme of sessions

Thursday 2 November, from 18:30 to 20.00. CCCB (Beta Station Space)
The Catalan Law on Climate Change: Do We Have the Law We Deserve?

This dialogue will feature a debate on the recently passed Catalan law on climate change in our country

Participants: Ferran Civit (MP in the Catalan Parliament) and Salvador Lladó (researcher at the Leitat Technological Center).
Moderator: Josep Escarrà (vice-president of the Col·legi d’Ambientòlegs de Catalunya).

Thursday 9 November, from 18:30 to 20.00. Ateneu Barcelonès
The Fight Against Climate Change: How Do We Do It?

At this event we will be analysing the practical application of international and local commitments to reducing carbon emissions in the everyday life of society and the business fabric.

Participants: Alba Cabañas (director of the Technical Area of Foment del Treball Nacional) and Assumpta Farran (director of the Institut Català d'Energia).
Moderator: Josep Garriga (economist and expert in climate change negotiations).

Saturday 18 November, from 11.00 to 14.00. CCCB (Beta Station Space)
There’s So Much at Play! Workshops and Games on Climate Change for Children

We will be proposing activities that are both transformative and entertaining for little ones and their families, who form a key audience with respect to the challenges being presented to us as a society. Aimed at children aged between 3 and 10 years.

Thursday 23 November, from 18:30 to 20.00. Ateneu Barcelonès
Citizens and Climate Change: Have We Understood It?

With this dialogue we will be seeking new ways of communicating about the global problems of climate change, within a context in which citizens as a whole are established as another actor in environmental challenges.

Participants: Xavier Duran (specialist science journalist at Televisió de Catalunya) and Maria Josep Picó (science journalist and lecturer at the University of Valencia).
Moderator: Anna Pérez (environmental scientist and coordinator of the Climate Tracker campaign).



This activity is part of After the End of the World

Organised by
