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A New Look at Humanitarian Photography

As part of the programme of the World Press Photo 2021 exhibition and L’Alternativa, Barcelona Independent Film Festival, the Doctors without Borders (MSF) project EnfocAH is jointly organising with the CCCB three sessions of debates, documentary cinema, and fusion of photographic coverage and music, which are to be held from 21 to 29 November.

EnfocAH is a project of humanitarian photography that seeks to combat oblivion and silence. It looks where hardly anyone else is looking and puts the spotlight on issues that are often ignored in the news. It aims to inspire and bring to the table debates and reflections not only about humanitarian photography but also other questions concerning the limits and capacity of images and journalism to change situations they are denouncing, and the bias and stereotypes produced by the western gaze when dealing with the realities in developing countries.

EnfocAH also encourages new narratives in which, moving beyond the usual media approach, it fuses formats, disciplines, and languages in order to achieve an immersive experience. This is the framework of the three activities that will be held at the CCCB to coincide with the fiftieth anniversary of Doctors without Borders.

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