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Gaudí Univers


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The catalogue of Gaudí Universe takes us around the spaces and themes of the exhibition, like a detailed guidebook. A text by Juan José Lahuerta, the curator, along with photographs of the works on show, leads us around the exhibition and helps us to understand the trajectory of a man and an artist, from his student years to the period when his artistic and architectural influence was undeniable the world over. The catalogue also offers us an anthology of opinions, articles and texts by Santiago Rusiñol, Viscount Güell (Eusebi Güell), Jules Godefroy, Guillaume Apollinaire, Joaquim Folch i Torres, Joan Maragall, Salvador Dalí, Hermann Finsterlin, Le Corbusier and Juan-Eduardo Cirlot, among many other figures from Gaudí's times. Like the exhibition, this compilation approaches the art of the inspired architect by analysing his milieu and his times.

Authors: Le Corbusier, Hermann Finsterlin, Salvador Dalí, Joan Maragall, Joaquim Folch i Torres, Guillaume Apollinaire, Jules Godefroy, Eusebi Güell, Santiago Rusiñol, Juan-Eduardo Cirlot

Publication year: 2002

Pages: 240

Dimensions: 24 × 33 cm.

Images in B/W and colour: 400

978-84-7794-858-2 (català)
978-84-7794-859-9 (castellano: Museo Nacional del Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, 2002, agotado)
978-84-7794-861-2 (english)

CCCB, Institut d’Edicions de la Diputació de Barcelona

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