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117. The far right today

Spain in comparative perspective

Breus — n. 117

Catalan , English 10€ Buy

Ultra-right, radical right, extreme right... Where is the border between the different contemporary right-wing movements? From India to Brazil, the United States or Italy, the far right is on the rise and increasingly connected internationally. It is not the world-destroying fascism of our grandparents, but the integration and normalization it shows are a great threat to liberal democracies. It even affects countries that have long been considered immune, such as Germany, Sweden and Spain, where the VOX party won 52 seats in the Congress of Deputies in 2019 and 33 in 2023.

In this text, the political scientist and international expert on ultra-right movements, Cas Mudde, presents the main lessons of his book Ultra-Right (2020) where he analyzes the distinctive features of the revival of what he calls the fourth wave of the ultra-right in order to clarify one of the key political challenges of our time.

"Language has become a very powerful element of politics again. To a large extent, this is because of the so-called mainstreaming of the far right"



Publication year: 2024

Pages: 72

Dimensions: 12,5 cm × 17 cm cm.

- 978-84-09-60691-7 (Català / Anglès)


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