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1,000 m2 of Desire

Architecture and sexuality


Catalan , English 20€ Sold out
Spanish , English 20€ Sold out

In which spaces does sexuality move in western culture? How do these spaces act when shaping and epitomising roles and practices? From the sexual utopias of Ledoux, Fourier and Sade to the aspirations of hippy communes or the radical architecture of the 1960s and 1970s, what programmes have sought to have an influence in cities by controlling space when defining or liberating sexual behaviour?

From the eighteenth century and the French aristocracy’s petites maisons, with their specialised rooms, decoration and furniture, to bachelor pads presented in Playboy, what is the role played by architecture in the strategies of seduction? How might one define these private spaces which have nurtured libertine intrigues?

Contemporary sexography: from mega-brothels to apps, from darkrooms to cruising spaces, pornography, cybersex and virtual reality. Today, many people define sexual freedom as sexual liberalisation. What time is reserved for sexual pleasure now that our days are divided into time for production and time for consumption?


Authors: Adélaïde de Caters, Rosa Ferré, Beatriz Colomina, Marie-Françoise Quignard, Pol Esteve, Esther Fernández Cifuentes, Ingo Niermann, Fulvio Ferrari, Rem Koolhaas

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 200

Dimensions: 17 × 24 cm.

Images in B/W: 150

978-84-9803-750-0 (català / english)
978-84-9803-751-7 (castellano / english)

CCCB and Direcció de Comunicació de la Diputació de Barcelona

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