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Xavier Antich

Xavier Antich is a philosopher, professor of Aesthetic Ideas at the University of Girona, where he also directs the Master in Communication and Criticism. He has been director of the Independent Studies Program at MACBA, and is the current president of the Board of Trustees of the Tàpies Foundation. His most recent research focuses on the fields of aesthetics and contemporary art, with special attention to the theories that emerged in the post-1967 framework and to the artistic practices of the last forty years. Some of his works have focused on different issues of musical aesthetics. He is the author, among others, of the books El rostre de l'altre. Passeig filosòfic per l'obra d'Emmanuel Lévinas (Eliseu Climent Editor, 1993) and Antoni Tàpies. Certeses sentides (National Museum of Krakow and Instituto Cervantes, 2000), and editor of the volume Antoni Tàpies. En blanc i negre. Assaigs 1955-2003 (Galàxia Gutenberg-Círculo de Lectores, 2008). In addition, the CCCB published his short essay La ciutat del dissens. Espai comú i pluralitat. (CCCB, 2013). His latest books are the compendium of articles La voluntat de comprendre (Arcadia, 2016) and the essay Revelacions. Dos assaigs sobre fotografia (Arcàdia i Gg, 2019), written together with the photographer Joan Fontcuberta.  

Update: 6 October 2021


The Roig Revels

A festive tribute on the 75th anniversary of Montserrat Roig birth



Has participated in

Inauguration of the Classics Festival

Anger: the beast we live with

The Roig Revels

The battle for the present

Dialogue between David Fernandez and Xavier Antich

Turism, City and Identity

Lecture by Xavier Antich

Wealth and Critique

Lecture by Luc Boltanski

The sense of culture

The City

Dialogue between Xavier Antich and Joan Margarit

The legacy of Hannah Arendt