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Xavier Albertí

Theatre director and composer

He works in two main areas. First, is his engagement in contemporary theatre, where he has directed plays by Lluïsa Cunillé, Josep Maria Benet i Jornet, Narcís Comadira, José Sanchis Sinisterra and Paco Zarzoso. Second, he is a great supporter of Spanish musical theatre, as manifested by the works he has directed in this field, including Crónica sentimental de España (Sentimental Chronicle of Spain), De Manolo a Escobar (From Manolo to Escobar) El dúo de la africana (The Duet from L’Africaine), La corte del Faraón (The Pharoah’s Court), Pinsans i Caderneres (Chaffinches and Goldfinches), Vida Privada (Private Life), and others.

He was director of the Grec Summer Festival of Theatre from 1995 to 1999 and has also been Head of the Department of Culture in the Ramon Llull Institute, which was established to promote Catalan language and culture internationally. He teaches Dramaturgy and Theory of Stage Direction at the Barcelona Institute of Theatre and in the Sala Beckett (Barcelona) writers’ workshops.

He will take up his appointment as director of the National Theatre of Catalonia in July 2013.



Update: 13 June 2016



Has participated in

Tourism in Barcelona: the City as Stage

Lecture by Xavier Albertí

Thinking Differently

Pasolini and the Critique of Mainstream Culture

Paral·lel Avenue, 1894-1939

Barcelona and the Spectacle of Modernity