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Susanna Rafart

Susanna Rafart (Ripoll, 1962), a poet, fiction writer and literary critic, has degrees in Hispanic Philology and Catalan Philology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She has taught Spanish Language and Literature in secondary schools and presently writes as a literary critic for a range of publications as well as working as a cultural organiser. She works regularly with several branches of the media including, inter alia, the radio stations Catalunya Cultura and Catalunya Ràdio as well as writing for the newspaper El Punt Avui and the review Caràcters. She been awarded the Carles Riba and Cavall Verd prizes for her poetry and is a member of the collective known as Els Imparables (The Unstoppables). Notable among her collections of poems are Pou de glaç (Well of Ice, 2002), Retrat en blanc (Portrait in White, 2004), Baies (Berries, 2005), L'ocell a la cendra (The Bird in the Ash, 2010), La mà interior (The Inner Hand, 2011) and, recently, La llum constant (The Constant Light, Proa, 2013).

Update: 14 January 2014


Has participated in

Translation and the Myth of the Tower of Babel

Lecture by Manuel Forcano