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Susana Navarro

Psychologist, member of the Equipo de Estudios Comunitarios y Acción Psicosocial (ECAP – Team of Community Studies and Psychosocial Action) of Guatemala

(Spain, 1973). Psychologist and, since 1998, member of the Equipo de Estudios Comunitarios y Acción Psicosocial (ECAP – Team of Community Studies and Psychosocial Action) of Guatemala in which she coordinates the project “Psychosocial Work in Exhumation Processes”. Her professional work is concerned with providing psychosocial support for survivors and family members in the processes of exhumation of victims of political violence. She has carried out extensive research in this domain, mainly in Guatemala, while also working as an advisor in similar international projects in Peru and Spain. She combines this work with teaching in the Escuela de Salud Mental de la Asociación Española de Neuropsiquiatría (School of Mental Health of the Spanish Association of Neuropsychiatry). Notable among her recent publications are the books Resistencias contra el olvido: trabajo psicosocial en procesos de exhumaciones (Forms of Resistance against Oblivion in Exhumation Processes – Gedisa, 2007), and Exhumaciones, Verdad, Justicia y Reparación en Guatemala. Estudio de Opinión (Exhumations, Truth, Justice and Reparation in Guatemala – F&G Editores, 2009).


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