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Simona Škrabec

Writer and translator

Born in Ljubljana (Slovenia) in 1968 and settled in Barcelona since 1992, Simona Škrabec is a writer and translator. She is Doctor of Comparative Literature (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and currently a professor of literature at the UOC and the UPF, and a professor of German translation at the UAB. From 2014 to 2020 she was chair of PEN International's Translation and Language Rights Committee. She is the author of L'estirp de la solitud (Institut d’Estudis Catalans, 2002, Premi Josep Carner de Teoria Literària), L'atzar de la lluita (Editorial Afers, 2005), Una pàtria prestada (Universitat de València, 2017) and Torno del bosc amb les mans tenyides (L'Avenç, 2019). She has translated over 30 books. In the field of translation theory, she participated in the collective volume directed by Esther Allen, To be translated or not to be (2007), and, with Teresa Iribarren, co-directed the volume Constel·lacions variables (2012). She has coordinated many research symposiums and projects, the latest being a report for the UNESCO, Cultures’ Oxygen (2016), about the editorial industry in politically unstable contexts. 

Update: 2 May 2023


Has participated in

Yásnaya Elena Aguilar Gil

Inhabiting Language

Andrey Kurkov and Simona Škrabec

Another Ukraine

A Moring with Burhan Sönmez

Freedom of expression and the role of literature

Burhan Sönmez and Simona Škrabec

Sant Jordi Dialogues

Debate About Catalan Culture

Dialogue with Maria Bohigas, Najat El Hachmi, Àngels Margarit, Mercè Picornell and Simona Škrabec

Crossed visions, visions of change

Cities and regions of Europe