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Sergio Rossi

Sergio Rossi (Barcelona, 1969) is a biologist who specialises in marine natural resources and biological oceanography. He has taken part in several scientific expeditions, sailing the seas and oceans of the world, including the Southern Ocean. He has written about his experiences in several books as well as numerous scientific articles and others for the general public. He has also written the scientific novels Medusa (Jellyfish, Plaza y Janés, 2007) and El cementerio de icebergs (The Cemetery of Icebergs, Plaza y Janés, 2010), and a series of books about the environment, including El equipo Krakatek (The Krakatek Team, Edicions B, 2011), and the critical essays El Planeta Azul, un universo en extinción (The Blue Planet, a Universe on the Road to Extinction, 2011, Debate) and Un viaje a la Antártida. Un científico en el continente olvidado (Journey to Antarctica: A Scientist on the Lost Continent, 2013, Tusquets). He has a PhD in Biological Sciences from the University of Barcelona, and has worked as a researcher at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and, for more than thirteen years, in the Institute of Marine Sciences (CSIC) in Barcelona. He is presently a researcher at the Institute of Marine Sciences at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

Update: 6 November 2014


Has participated in

In Praise of Adventure: Exploration and Discovery

Lecture by Sergio Rossi