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Sasha Denisova


Ukrainian director, playwright and screenwriter, with a degree in Philosophy from the University of Kiev. After graduating, she collaborated with the British Royal Court and the Edinburgh Theatre Festival. Since 2010, Denisova was a playwright and director of the Documentary Drama Theater, Teatr.doc in Moscow, a widely recognized independent theater center. Since 2011 she was also artistic director of the Mayakovsky Theater in Moscow, and since 2014 she collaborated as a playwright at the Meyerhold Center, also in Moscow. Her play Light My Fire, won the 2012 Golden Mask Award. Throughout her career she has directed more than 30 performances, mostly in Moscow, but also in Germany (Schaubühne), Poland (TR Warsaw) and Mexico (Babel Theater). After the outbreak of war in Ukraine, Denisova fled Russia to Warsaw. In Poland, she made the documentary performance Six Ribs of Anger, a unique Polish-Ukrainian project about the war and the life of refugees. She is currently a resident of the Barcelona Artistes en Risc project.

Update: 8 February 2023

Has participated in

My mother and the total invasion

Theatrical play about the war in Ukraine