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Rubén Antón

Vector artist and researcher into LGTBIQ+


Vector artist and researcher into LGTBIQ+, both through archives and on the streets. Proclaimed as the first "archaeologist of Iberian transvestism", born in Palma and, in the artist's own words, "badly brought up in Madrid and overindulged in Barcelona's Chinatown". Through their work and their project of art and historical memory entitled Drag is Burning, Rubén is reclaiming the history of transvestism in Spain from the 15th century up to the present day, embarking on a unique historical journey through more than five centuries of silenced and forgotten people "who lived as they wanted and not how they were told they should live".

With over 100 art exhibitions and more than 50 podcasts produced since 2020, Rubén has travelled extensively, from Barcelona to Dubai. Currently, in addition to working on their collections, they're also collaborating with Barcelona's public TV channel, Betevé, on its transvestite culture section, as well as playing an active role in festivals, talks and projects related to the LGTBIQ+ community.

Update: 24 January 2024

Has participated in

Amors on FIRE!! 2024

Selection of Barcelona's LGBTI film festival, FIRE!!