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Rosi Braidotti

(Latisana, Italy, 1954)

Professor of Philosophy at Utrecht University (the Netherlands), where she founded the Centre for the Humanities of which she has been director until 2016. Born in Italy, she grew up in Australia where she obtained a degree at the National University of Australia in Canberra, after which she completed a PhD in Philosophy at the Sorbonne (Paris, France). She has taught at Utrecht University since 1988. Considered to be one of the European pioneers in women’s studies, her work has been recognised on numerous occasions, for example with an Honorary Doctorate from Linköping University (Sweden, 2013), another from the University of Helsinki (Finland, 2007), and the European Commission Erasmus Prize (2010). Notable among her works translated into Spanish are Sujetos nómadas (Paidós, 2000 – Nomadic Subjects, in English), Metamorfosis. Hacia una teoría materialista del devenir (Akal, 2003 – Metamorphoses in English), Feminismo, diferencia sexual y subjetividad nómada (Gedisa, 2004), Transposiciones (Gedisa, 2009), Lo Posthumano (Gedisa, 2015 – The Posthuman in English), and Por una política afirmativa. Itinerarios éticos (Gedisa, 2018). Her books published in Catalan are Les posthumanitats a debat (Breus CCCB, 2017) and, recently, Coneixement Posthumà (Arcàdia, 2020).

Update: 23 September 2020



Has participated in

A Vocabulary for the Future

Continuous screening

Lecture by Rosi Braidotti

Becoming Animals

The Posthuman Condition

Lecture by Rosi Braidotti