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Rosa Renom

Theatre, television and film actress

Rosa Renom (Sabadell, 1963) graduated in dramatic art from the Intitut del Teatre. Since then she has worked with renowned theatre directors such as Joan Ollé (Romeu i Julieta, De poble en poble, La plaça del Diamant), Mario Gas (La ronda, La senyora Florentina i el seu amor Homer, El temps i els Conway, La mort d’un viatjant, Un fràgil equilibri), Rosa No­vell (Maria Rosa, Les dones sàvies, Vells temps), Àlex Rigola (Rock’n Roll), David Sel­vas (La gavina), Ramon Simó (Copenhaguen), Sergi Belbel (Agost), Ferran Madico (Casa i jardí) and Lluís Pasqual (Els feréstecs). She has also played roles on television, cinema and radio. For example, in series such as La Riera, Ermessen­da, Delta, Joc de mentides, Poblenou, Les veus del Pamano, El comisario and Hospital Central, among others.

She has received numerous accolades such as the Butaca Prize for Rock 'n Roll (2009), the Margarida Xirgu Award for Rock 'n Roll and La Gavina (2010), and the Critics Prize for El President (2015).

Update: 10 May 2019

Has participated in

Kosmopolis 2019

10th Amplified Literature Fest