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Rosa Cardona Arnau

Curator at Filmoteca de Catalunya

Rosa Cardona Arnau is the Conservator of the Filmoteca de Catalunya. With a degree in Art History from the UB, she trained at the Filmoteca Española in Alfonso del Amo's team, where she worked as an independent restorer from 1997 to 2002. A staunch advocate of teamwork, she has driven projects, bringing together specialists, historians, and technicians at 2CR. In 2005, she launched a system to monitor preservation and copy work in laboratories, and in 2006, she led a 4K digital restoration project for the collection of early cinema. This expanded in 2013 to include feature films such as "Vida en sombras" (Llobet Gracia, 1948), "Erase una vez..." (Pellicer-Escobar, 1950), "El sol del membrillo" (Erice, 1992), or "Quelques evenements sans signification" (Derkaoui, 1974), as well as the work of filmmaker Emma Cohen. Her interest in silent cinema and technology is evident in projects such as reading materials for the restoration of "Un chien andalou" (Buñuel, 1929) or the restoration of "La Montagne infidèle" (Epstein, 1923) in collaboration with Daniel Pitarch. In 2021, she co-curated the Year Chomón and, together with Daniel Sánchez Salas, coordinates "Proyectamos el pasado," a proposal to showcase Spanish silent cinema by creating a space for work and discussion for archivists, programmers, and historians. She has published in the Journal of Film Preservation, Secuencias, etc., and has conducted workshops and classes at UB, UAB, UCM, EQZE, and in programs such as TAPE (Training for Audiovisual Preservation in Europe) by the Ministry of Culture, and in the institutional twinning program between Morocco and the EU.

Update: 11 January 2024

Has participated in

De quelques évènements sans signification

Encounters on Film Archives