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Peter Stamm

(Weinfelden, Switzerland, 1963) has one of the most original voices to have apeared in European letters in recent years. His debut novel Agnes (1998), which was translated into some twenty languages, catapulted him to international fame. Since 1990 he has been working as a freelance writer and journalist and has written radio scripts, a children’s book and several plays. He is editor of the literary review Entwürfe für Literatur.
His prose has been compared with that of such writers as Camus, Chekhov and Hemingway. Among his works published in Spanish are Agnes (Acantilado / Quaderns Crema, 2001), Lluvia de hielo (Blitzeis –  Acantilado / Quaderns Crema, 2002), Paisaje aproximado (Unformed Landscape – Acantilado / Quaderns Crema, 2003), En jardines ajenos (In Strange Gardens – Acantilado, 2006), Tal día como hoy (On a Day Like This – Acantilado, 2007), and Los voladores (The Flyers - Acantilado, 2010). Now his Siete años (Seven Years – Acantilado, 2011) is being presented. This is a portrait of contemporary life seen through the eyes of a couple of young German architects. In The New York Review of Books attention has been drawn to the fact that, “The originality of Stamm’s novel is to have taken one of the oldest plots in the world and made it new, convincing, even urgent”.

Update: 20 September 2011


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