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Pere Antoni Pons

Pere Antoni Pons is a journalist and writer. He regularly contributes to Ara, Última Hora Mallorca and El Temps with opinion articles, literary and art criticism, features, and columns on culture and socio-political issues. His novel Contra el món [Against the World] (Empúries, 2023) takes its inspiration from the landscapes of the island of Mallorca, where he was born. He is also the author of the book of interviews Quan t'acorralen les flames. Mirades sobre les Mallorques d'avui [When You’re Trapped By the Flames: Visions of Today’s Mallorcas] (Edicions Tres i Quatre, 2023) and the book of poetry Dilema d'energies [Dilemma of Energies] (Ensiola, 2022). Throughout his career, he has received a number of awards, including the City of Valencia Literary Award (2016) for the book of poetry Aquí, on passa tot [Here, Where It All Happens] (Bromera, 2017).


Update: 7 May 2024


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Richard Ford

Traces of Happiness