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Pablo Martín Sánchez

Writer, translator, and lecturer in Writing

With a PhD in French Language and Literature from the Université de Lille and another PhD in Theory of Literature and Art and Comparative Literature from the University of Granada, he has published four novels and a collection of short stories and has been translated into French, Dutch, Czech, and English. In 2020 he published Diario de un viejo cabezota (Reus 2066) (Diary of a Stubborn Old Man (Reus 2066), Acantilado), a dystopian speculative work set in an uninhabited Iberian Peninsula and closing a unique and highly personal trilogy that opens with El anarquista que se llamaba como yo (The Anarchist Who Shared My Name), the best debut novel of 2012 according to the “El Cultural” section of the daily El Mundo, and is followed by Tuyo es el mañana(Yours Is Tomorrow), considered the best fictional work of 2016 by the daily La Vanguardia. Throughout his career he has also edited and participated in several anthologies, among them Atlas de literatura potencial, 2: Textos potentes(Atlas of Potential Literatures, 2: Potent texts, Pepitas de calabaza, 2019) and has translated authors including Marcel Schwob, Franck Thilliezcom, and Wajdi Mouawad. As a translator, he has also produced a Spanish version of the French literary phenomenon of 2020, Hervé le Tellier’s L’Anomalie (The Anomaly in English). Like Le Tellier, he is a member, indeed the only Spanish member, of the Oulipo group of literary experimentation. He teaches Writing at the Barcelona Athenaeum and Translation at the Pompeu Fabra University.

Update: 16 July 2021
