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Òscar Vilarroya

Òscar Vilarroya is Director of the Cognitive Science Research Unit (URNC) at the “El Cervell Social” (The Social Brain) Chair at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

As a researcher, he has published a number of studies on the neuroimaging of psychiatric disorders and the philosophy of neurobiology. His work as director of the UNRC is internationally recognised in the fields of paediatric neuroimaging as well as neuroimaging in attention deficit disorders and hyperactivity in adults. The work he has directed as incumbent of the Chair has been widely recognised by a range of international institutions and journals.

His wide range of publications includes works of theoretical neurobiology (La disolución de la mente (The Dissolution of the Mind), Tusquets, 2002), books on popular science (Paraula de robot (The Robot’s Word), Bromera, 2003), and scripts for audiovisual documentaries (Bajo la piel del conflicto (Under the Skin of the Conflict), directed by Harmonia Carmona, 2004).

Update: 10 May 2012

Has participated in

To the Origins of the Human Mind