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Oscar Guayabero

Designer and publisher.

Oscar Guayabero (Barcelona, 1968)
Winner of the Narratives 0 award (2002) sponsored by Eumo Editorial for the book 100ASA. 36 exp.
Co-curator of the exhibition "Gràfiques ocultes" organized by Krtu (Department of Culture of the Regional Government of Catalonia), about the most innovative, underground and unknown Catalan graphic design. Sub-curator of the exhibition "Pasión sobre el Diseño Español" (2002), organized by DDI and SEACEX, opening in Berlin and later travelling widely around Europe. He was in charge of the Laus Awards for Communication and Design, organized by ADGFAD, for the period 1998-2002.
Has participated actively in the creation of the Fundació Comunicació Gràfica, of which he is secretary. The foundation's goal is the creation of the Graphic Design Museum of Barcelona. Co-founder with the designer David Torrents the publishing house Portátil. Responsible for the Llibre Blanc del Carrer, commissioned by the Barcelona City Council, a study of urban furnishings, signage, urbanism, etc., in the city of Barcelona. Teaches at the Eina and Elisava schools of Barcelona. Vice President of FAD on the board presided by Juli Capella and curator of the Year of Design 2003.


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