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Ona Balló

Programmer and researcher

Licenced at Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona) and Sorbonne (Paris), Ona Balló Pedragosa is a programmer and researcher interested in narrative interbreeding between music and image. Her investigation, still ongoing, analyses on one hand the representation of the sound space in paintings, and on the other the treatment of diegetic music in cinema. The dissertation carried out in collaboration with Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art (INHA), deals with the musical thinking of composer Carles Santos on Pere Portabella’s film work. She writes about art and cinema for different media as well and takes in charge sound recording for film shooting.

Update: 9 December 2020

Has participated in

Is it possible to formulate a first question and to continue having dinner?

The films of Carles Santos

The cinema of Carles Santos; expanded music

Regarding the closing session of Xcèntric on June 10th, 2021