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Mònica Ubalde

Mònica Ubalde is a biologist and Doctor of Epidemiology in the field of public health (2016). She has spent time at the School of Public Health in Houston (USA), UMCG Groningen (Netherlands) and Stockholm University (Sweden). She is currently carrying out her research as part of ISGlobal’s Urban Planning, Environment and Health Initiative. She coordinates studies in national and international projects to evaluate the impacts of urban planning interventions in public spaces (green and blue spaces) and of transport on health and well-being, environmental and personal exposures, and the use of public space and social cohesion, focussing particularly on school environments. She also participates in studies that include citizen science and knowledge transfer. She has extensive experience in occupational epidemiology, specifically in the evaluation of the impact of chronic diseases and multimorbidity on incapacity for work, and how the trajectories of working life affect health from a life-course perspective.

Update: 16 September 2021


Has participated in

ALIA. Cities and Health

Science and creation for secondary schools with ISGlobal