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Mònica Miró Vinaixa

Mònica Miró Vinaixa (Barcelona, 1969), a teacher, writer, translator, and populariser of the classical world, is a graduate of Latin Philology and French Philology from the University of Barcelona, and also has a master’s degree in History of Religions from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She has taught in the University of Barcelona, the Pompeu Fabra University, and the Open University of Catalonia as well as giving classes in Creative Writing and Classical Literature at the Barcelona Athenaeum. She has compiled, translated, and written the Prologue for the collection of poetic Latin epitaphs, Perennia (Godall Edicions, 2015) and has also published the collection of haikus and tankas Hybrida (Godall Edicions, 2019). Moreover, she is the author of numerous studies on Latin, French, and Catalan literature.

Update: 21 June 2023


Has participated in

A morning with Gaston Core and Mònica Miró

The Power of Poetry: From the Iliad to Rap