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Miquel Seguró


With a PhD from the Ramon Llull University and a Doctor Europeaus Mention, and a degree in Humanities from the Pompeu Fabra University, his main areas of research are metaphysical foundations, ethics, and politics. He combines his teaching activities as a lecturer in philosophy at the Open University of Catalonia and Ramon Llull University with academic research and scientific publishing at Editorial Herder where he is editor of the magazine Argumenta Philosophica. He also appears regularly on the Ràdio SER Catalunya programme Aquí amb Josep Cuní and the TVE television programme Para todos la 2 (TVE), as well as writing columns in various media outlets. He has published several books, including Los confines de la razón (Herder, 2013) and Sendas de finitud (Herder, 2015). In his most recent book, La vida també es pensa (Herder, 2018) he offers a personal route through the history of ideas and philosophical traditions, linking philosophical thought and everyday life.

Update: 19 March 2021


Has participated in

Markus Gabriel and Miquel Seguró in Conversation

A New Global Ethics