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Miguel Morey

Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at Barcelona University and a member of the Col·legi de Filosofia.

He has been visiting lecturer at the universities of Buenos Aires, Havana, Venice, Vienna, Munich and Paris, among others. He is a contributor to numerous magazines, including Ajoblanco, Archipiélago, Claves de la razón práctica and El Viejo Topo, and El País and La Vanguardia newspapers. He has translated into Spanish various works by Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze, such as Obras esenciales (I): entre filosofía y literatura (1954-1970) (Paidós, 1999) and La lógica del sentido (Paidós, 1989). His most important publications are Deseo de ser piel roja (Anagrama, 1994), winner of the 22nd Anagrama Essay Prize and, more recently Hotel Finisterre (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2011), Escritos sobre Foucault (Sexto Piso, 2014) o Vidas de Nietzsche (Alianza, 2018).

Update: 12 January 2021


Has participated in

In Praise of Adventure: Paradoxes of Security

Lecture by Frédéric Gros

Thinking Differently

Pasolini and the Critique of Mainstream Culture

¡URGENTE! #02 Public square

Human universals