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Martí Sales

Writer, translator and musician

Martí Sales debuted in 2005 with the book of poetry Huckleberry Finn (Moll, 2005), which won him the Premi Vila de Lloseta poetry award, and, since then, he has constructed an unclassifiable literary trajectory, transgressing the limits of each genre he has cultivated.

These include poetic prose (Dies feliços a la presó, Empúries, 2007), narrative (Principi d’incertesa, Males Herbes, 2015), the narrative poem La cremallera (Males Herbes, 2017) and even a dictionary, Aliment (Club Editor, 2021). He has also made a foray into essays with Ara és el moment (Amsterdam, 2016), a chronicle of the Catalan music scene, and is the regular translator into Catalan of authors such as Kurt Vonnegut, John Fante, Shirley Jackson, Vivian Gornick and Patti Smith.

In the field of music, he stands out for being singer and guitarist with the punk band Els Surfing Sirles. He has also contributed to cultural publications such as Time Out Barcelona and was co-director of the Barcelona International Poetry Festival (2010-2013) and Poesia i + at the Fundació Palau i Fabre. He is currently a member of the Barcelona Council of Culture.


Update: 22 April 2021



Mamadou Tafsir Diallo, Blanca Haddad, Omar Oudaay, Tanit Plana and Martí Sales


Has participated in

"i loved life very much"

Main event of the World Poetry Day 2024

Masked dance

Journey to Mars

Logbooks. A collective creation project

Marçalianes. “I take the road that has led me to you”

Celebration of the creative legacy of Maria-Mercè Marçal

Lecture by Enric Casasses

They’re Knocking at the Window

Primera Persona 2014

Autobiographic live sessions: pop music concerts, stand-up comedy, theatre and narrative

Thinking Differently

Pasolini and the Critique of Mainstream Culture