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Marta Orriols

A writer and art historian

Marta Orriols (Sabadell, 1975) graduated in History of Art but she decided to continue her training within the field of writing, which had led her to author a collection of short stories Anatomia de les distàncies curtes (2016) and her first novel, Aprendre a parlar amb les plantes (2018). A writer in the literature-of-manners style, her texts portray the complexity of human relations with highly emotionally-charged prose.

She studied cinematographic scriptwriting at the Bande à Part film school in Barcelona and creative writing at the Ateneu Barcelonès. She occasionally works as an editorial reader and is a contributor to several digital newspapers and magazines, publishing literary and cultural chronicles. Her debut novel will shortly be translated into eight languages.

Update: 10 May 2019


Has participated in

Kosmopolis 2019

10th Amplified Literature Fest