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Marina Tarrús Barberillo

A biotechnologist by training, specializing in Molecular Biology (UB), she has studied Scientific Communication (UPF), Design for Sustainability, Restoration of Ecosystems, and Infrastructures and the Environment for a Paradigm Shift (UOC-Gaia).

Her field of specialization is scientific dissemination by means of art and citizen science. She has experience in science journalism (Vall d'Hebron Institute of Research), scientific scenography (Science and Theatre Institute) and is an expert in sustainable development and biotechnology (Vojvodina Environmental Movement). She has experience in these fields in Spain, the Netherlands and Serbia, promoting regional, national and international citizen participation projects based on citizen science and scientific dissemination by means of art. She is currently an ISGlobal Scientific Dissemination Specialist, focusing on Antimicrobial Resistance.

Update: 16 September 2021


Has participated in

ALIA. Cities and Health

Science and creation for secondary schools with ISGlobal