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Maria Callís Cabrera

Poet and lecturer in Catalan Philology

A poet and lecturer at the University of Barcelona where she teaches Catalan Philology, she made her literary debut with the collection of poems Jonàs (Galerada, 2004), which received the Amadeu Oller Prize for Young Unpublished Poets. Some years later, she published La matinada clara (Accent, 2009)—a title taken from a poem by Joan Salvat Papasseit—in an edition illustrated by Maria Alcaraz i Frasquet. In 2011, she contributed to the jointly authored publication Ningú no ens representa. Poetes emprenyats (Editorial Setzevents, 2011), which arose from the 15M protest movement in Barcelona. Her book, La ciutat cansada (Proa, 2017) is a prose poem, which received the 2016 Carles Riba Prize. Several Catalan groups of musicians and singers have set her poems to music, among them Manel, Sílvia Pérez Cruz, Bikimel, and Miss Carrusell with Clara Peya & Judit Neddermann. Maria Cabrera has taken part in numerous recitals, reading her own poems and those of other poets. Moreover, she is a member of the cultural association The Indian Runners, which promotes musical activism, and of the groups El pèsol feréstec and Vladivostok.

Update: 28 February 2022



Anna Pacheco, Efraín Foglia, Felipe G. Gil, Irene Solà, Jorge Carrión, Libby Heaney, Liliana Arroyo, Maria Callís Cabrera, Taller Estampa

Has participated in

Reading moves us!

Lectures en Ruta Party

"Infanticide" by Víctor Català

A poetic show by Rosa Vilanova

Something has entered some verse

Central event of the World Poetry Day 2022

Marçalianes. “I take the road that has led me to you”

Celebration of the creative legacy of Maria-Mercè Marçal

Looking to the Future

Raise your hands, these dirty hands

Recital of works by poets from the 1970s and now