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Maria Bohigas Sales

Translator, philologer and publisher

She is a translator, philologer and publisher. Since 2005, she has been director of Club Editor, recovering classic Catalan writers of the twentieth century (Joan Sales, Blai Bonet, Mercè Rodoreda, Víctor Català, Joaquim Amat-Piniella...) as well as incorporating authors such as Alice Munro, Aharon Appelfeld and Per Petterson, and unpublished works by Eva Baltasar, Sebastià Perelló and Marc Cerdó. Born and trained in Paris, she studied Catalan Philology at the University of Barcelona and, before moving into publishing, was a literary translator for fifteen years. Els Miserables by Victor Hugo, El vell Goriot and Il·lusions perdudes by Honoré de Balzac, Moderato cantabile by Marguerite Duras, The Fall by Albert Camus and El foc follet by Pierre Drieu La Rochelle are some of the works she has translated into Catalan. Her French translations include Gloire incertaine by Joan Sales (jointly with Bernard Lesfargues) and Les Vaincus by Xavier Benguerel. As a publisher, she has also worked in France (La Différence, Paris) and in Chile (Lom, Santiago). She writes about reading and literature in a blog called Cartes elèctriques. In 2019 she was awarded the Catalan Culture Prize.

Update: 15 November 2019


Has participated in

Debate About Catalan Culture

Dialogue with Maria Bohigas, Najat El Hachmi, Àngels Margarit, Mercè Picornell and Simona Škrabec