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Marc Rosich

Playwright, stage director and translator

He is one of the most outstanding and versatile playwrights of his generation. With a degree in Journalism and Translation from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, he trained in playwriting at the Sala Beckett in Barcelona. His texts and adaptations have been performed on the stages of the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, the Teatre Lliure, the Centro Dramático Nacional, the Gran Teatre del Liceu and the Sala Beckett, among many others. He has written plays such as Isadora a l'armari, A tots els que heu vingut, A mí no me escribió Tenessee Williams, Car Wash, N&N, Party Line or Surabaya. Among his theatrical adaptations we find Pedra de tartera, Mort de Dama, Falstaff or Hedda Gabler. He has also been a regular collaborator of Calixto Bieito in the dramaturgy of international shows such as Don Carlos, Tirant lo Blanc or Plataforma. As librettist and stage director, stand out the latest production of Dagoll Dagom L'alegria que passa (with music by Andreu Gallén), Ocaña, Reina de las Ramblas (Critics' Prize for best musical 2020) or Renard o el llibre de les bèsties, with music by Clara Peya (Critics' Prize and Butaca Prize for best family show 2016). In the field of contemporary opera, he is artistic director of the Festival de Òpera de Butxaca i Nova Creació and has premiered, among others, Diàlegs de Tirant e Carmesina with music by Joan Magrané, and the operas Andrómeda encadenada, Java Suite, Lord Byron and La Cuzzoni, all four with music by Agustí Charles.

Update: 27 February 2023


Has participated in

You will always be a donkey

Main event of the World Poetry Day 2023