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Lurdes Vidal Bertran

She is the director of the Arab and Islamic World Area of the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), as well as editor-in-chief of afkar/ideas magazine. Her fields of specialization are political Islam, socio-political dynamics in the Arab world and violent extremism phenomena. She holds a degree in Translation and Interpreting from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and a PhD in International Relations from the same university. She is the scientific coordinator of the H2020 project CONNEKT (Contexts of Extremism in MENA and Balkan Societies) and MAGIC (Muslim woman and communities Against Gender Islamophobia in Society). Currently, Lurdes Vidal collaborates in different medias and is a professor of Arab politics at the Universitat Ramon Llull Blanquerna, at the Universitat de Barcelona and at the IBEI (Institut de Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals).

Update: 12 November 2021


Has participated in

Islam and politics in a global world

Conversation with Jean-Pierre Filiu, Lurdes Vidal Bertran, Santiago Alba Rico and Cristina Mas