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Louis Jolicoeur

Author of several books that have been translated into Spanish and translator, into French, of the works of Juan Carlos Onetti

Louis Jolicœur is a writer, translator, conference interpreter and lecturer at the Université Laval, where he directs the translation programmes. He was born in Quebec, where he studied anthropology, linguistics and translation, which he completed with a post-doctoral stay in Paris (University of Paris: Sorbonne Nouvelle – Higher School of Interpreting and Translation) during the 1993-1994 academic year. His latest book, Poste restante, published in 2015, is the tale of a journey to the Orient in the 1970s. Journeys often form the driving force of his stories, and his inclination towards Spain, Mexico, Italy and India crops up in many of his previous novels in which different worlds, distant or not, always occupy a predominant place.

Apart from his publications, his texts have appeared in different journals and anthologies in Quebec, France, Mexico, Argentina, Belgium and India. He is also a member of the PEN Quebec and other associations and organisations. He has written around fifty articles and has given lectures around the world, especially on literary translation and Quebec literature. His current research activities are concentrated on the dissemination of Quebec literature in the world through translation.


Update: 18 May 2017


Has participated in

Discovering the North

Special session on Canadian literature