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Klaus Hübner

Journalist and literary critic, and secretary of the Adelbert-von-Chamisso Prize of the Robert Bosch Foundation

Klaus Hübner (1953) studied German Philology, Communication Sciences and History in Erlangen and Munich, and gained his PhD in Philology with a thesis about Goethe’s Werther. He has been a lector of the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD in Bilbao, taught at the University of Munich and language schools, directed courses for writers in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut and worked as a reader at a scientific publishing company and for Fachdienst Germanistik monthly magazine. He has also contributed to encyclopaedias of literature and literary publications.

Since 2002 he has worked as a journalist and literary critic. He has published essays about the literature of Goethe’s age, the literature of exile 1933-1945 (Exilliteratur) and German contemporary literature, centring on the literature of migration. Since 2004, Klaus Hübner has been secretary of the Adelbert-von-Chamisso Prize of the Robert Bosch Foundation.

Update: 20 February 2015


Has participated in

Marjana Gaponenko, Abbas Khider and Klaus Hübner. Moderator: Jordi Soler

Adopting a Language. Winners of Germany’s Adelbert von Chamisso Prize