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Kathinka Evers

Kathinka Evers is a researcher at the Centre for Research Ethics and Bioethics at the University of Uppsala (Sweden) where she specializes in neuroethics with particular attention to questions of ethics related with biobanks, or storage facilities used to archive, conserve and analyse biological samples.

With a PhD in Philosophy from Lund University (Sweden), she has worked as a research fellow and visiting professor at a number of international centres, for example Balliol College (Oxford University, United Kingdom), the University of Tasmania (Australia), the École Normale Supérieure and the Collège de France in Paris (France). Between 1997 and 2002 she was executive director of the Standing Committee on Responsibility and Ethics in Science(SCRES) of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU).

She has published the study Neuroética. Cuando la materia se despierta (Neuroethics: When Matter Awakens – Katz Editores, 2010).

Update: 10 May 2012


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To the Origins of the Human Mind