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Judith Butler

Professor, Department of Comparative Literature, University of California, Berkeley.

Judith Butler (Cleveland, 1956) is Maxine Elliot Professor in the Department of Comparative Literature and the Program of Critical Theory at the University of California, Berkeley, and Hannah Arendt Chair and Professor of Philosophy at The European Graduate School (EGS). After her initial work in the field of gender studies, she has since published influential books in the fields of ethics, politics and human rights. She is presently deemed to be one of the world’s most influential intellectuals. Notable among her books published in Spanish are El género en disputa: el feminismo y la subversión de la identidad (Paidós 2007 - Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity,1990); Cuerpos que importan (Paidós – Argentina, 2008 – Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex, 1993); Marcos de guerra. Las vidas lloradas (Paidós 2009 – Frames of War: When Is Life Grievable? 2009); and Deshacer el género (Paidós 2012 – Undoing Gender, 2004). She has also published Dispossessions: The Performative in the Political (co-authored with Athena Athanasiou, 2013), Senses of the Subject (2015) and Notes toward a Performative Theory of Assembly. The CCCB’s bilingual “Breus” collection has published three of her lectures Vulnerabilitat, supervivència (Vulnerability, Survival, 2008) and Violència d’Estat, guerra, resistència (State Violence, War, Resistance, 2010). The latter text was also published in Spanish by Katz Ediciones in 2011) and Cossos que encara importen (Bodies that still matter, 2017).

Update: 4 April 2022



Has participated in

Conjugating the Present

Words inherited from Hannah Arendt

Judith Butler and Fina Birulés

Shared Life

From Disobedience to Solidarity

Confronting Authoritarianisms

The Power of Dissent

Judith Butler, Jean Wyllys and Verónica Gago

Dialogue between Judith Butler and Fina Birulés, moderated by Marta Segarra

The Gender Trouble: Why Do Bodies Matter?

A morning with Judith Butler

Lecture and discussion with Miquel Missé

Ethics and Politics of Non-violence

Lecture by Judith Butler

Bodies That Still Matter

Lecture by Judith Butler

Judith Butler.State Violence, War, Resistance

For a New Politics of the Left

Vulnerability, Survivability

Lecture by Judith Butler