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Josep Bohigas


Josep Bohigas Arnau (Barcelona, 1967) is an architect. In 1990, together with two partners, he founded the architectural studio BOPBAA. He has been a lecturer at the Pompeu Fabra University (Elisava) and lecturer in Projects at the Mies van de Rohe Chair of the Polytechnic University of Barcelona. Since 2008 he has been Associate Professor of Projects at the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB). He has been a commissioner for cultural projects on housing, for example Barraca-Barcelona (Shanty-Barcelona) 2003 and APTM (minimal apartments) 2005. He is a member of the scientific committee and organiser of the EME3 Festival of Architecture. From 2001 to 2005 he was a member of the Board of Directors for the FAD (Promotion of Decorative Arts) Prizes. He was awarded the FAD Opinion Prize in 1998, 2007 and 2009, the FAD Prize for Ephemeral Spaces in 2000, and the City of Barcelona Prize for Design in 2007. He is a sponsor of the EINA Foundation and of the Signes Foundation. Notable among the buildings he has constructed as an architect is the El Molino concert café and he has been the winner of several competitions including those for the extensions to the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid, social housing in the zone of the Barcelona Forum and the museography for the Maritime Museum.

Update: 6 February 2013


Has participated in

The Possible City

International Debate in collaboration with the Social Science Research Council

Xerrades per Ciutat Vella (Talks in the Old City)

“Identity and Planning”, a lecture by Alessandro Scarnato

The future of Paral·lel

Between Nostalgia and Desire

Piso Piloto

Medellín - Barcelona