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José Antonio Sánchez

Professor of Art History at the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha where he lectures. He has written various papers on aesthetics, contemporary art and the theory and history of scenic arts. He currently directs the research group ARTEA, he is the editor of the Virtual Archive of Scenic Arts, collaborator with the Antonio Pérez Foundation where he has organized various international seminars on theatre, art and literature and he is also a collaborator and member of the assessment council of international magazines such as Contemporary Theatre Review (London), Performance Research (Dartington), Gestos (Irvine, CA), Anales de Literatura Española Contemporánea (Colorado), Cairón (Alcalá de Henares) and Telón de fondo (Buenos Aires).

He is currently Director of the Dance Workshop at the Universidad de Alcalà. In 2006-2007 he received the Sebastià Gasch award given by the FAD Fomento de las Artes Decorativas) for his activity as theatre theorist.


Has participated in

I+C+i - The future scenario

With Roger Bernat, Óscar Dasi, Xavier Mercè, Àlex Rigola, José Antonio Sánchez and Ricardo Szwarcer