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Jordi Corbera Simón

Dr. Jordi Corbera Simón (Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya ICGC)

Jordi Corbera is Head of Earth Observation at the Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya and has a PhD in Physics in the use of earth observation. His professional activity centres on the use of spatial resources, particularly earth observation and positioning systems. He has worked for various European Commission agencies as an expert evaluator on over 60 projects. He is currently director of IC_Cartotechnology, a postgraduate course on geoinformation technologies and programme management, working on programme creation and mission analysis in earth observation, especially for urban settings and energy efficiency, light pollution and urban green space management, among other fields of application.


Update: 24 March 2014

Has participated in

eARTh observation: data, knowledge, territories and intelligent cities

By de Jordi Corbera, Víctor López and Vicenç Palà