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Jordi Amat

Writer and philologist

With a PhD in Hispanic Philology, he also furthered his studies in the Unit of Biographical Studies of the University of Barcelona. Notable among his publications are the essays El llarg procés (The Long Process) and La primavera de Munich (Munich Spring, Tusquets, 2015 and 2016), the chronicle La confabulació dels irresponsables (Plot of the Irresponsible, Anagrama, 2017), and the biographies of Ramon Trias Fargas (RBA, 2009), Josep Benet (Edicions 62, 2017), and Gabriel Ferrater (Edicions 62 and Tusquets, 2022). His novel El fill del xofer (The Chauffer’s Son, Edicions 62 and Tusquets, 2020), which is based on a true story, was acclaimed by critics and readers alike. He has won several literary prizes. Moreover, he has edited some of the outstanding classics of Spanish-language non-fiction works and also works with the newspaper El País, where he is editor of the Quadern cultural supplement.

Update: 8 September 2023


Has participated in

Writing, memory and politics

Semprún Centenary

Enzo Traverso

Europe, Laboratory of Ideas

“El fill del xofer” by Jordi Amat

Vicenç Villatoro, Jordi Amat, and Mònica Terribas in Conversation

On the occasion of the launch of his book "La casa dels avis "

In Praise of Modernity

Homage to Oriol Bohigas